History: The first recorded population census in Belize occurred in December 1816, and included a count of both the slave and free populations. That was followed by a count of only slaves in 1820, after which there was a count of the entire population every three years until 1835.  The next census was taken in 1861 and then at irregular intervals ranging from 11 to 15 years.  However, since 1960, Belize has conducted a Population and Housing Census every 10 years, the exception being in 1991.

Methodology:   The 2010 Population and Housing Census followed the de jure model, counting all persons who had resided or planned to reside in Belize for at least six months. This includes persons living in households and institutions, whether or not they were present at the time of the enumerator’s visit, as well as those persons who were found living on the streets.  Excluded from the census were military personnel and their families who were living in military barracks or camps, and members of the diplomatic corps living in residences of the Ambassadors or High Commissions.

Legal Authority:   The 2010 Population and Housing Census was conducted under the authority of the Statistical Institute of Belize Act No. 9 (2006), and in accordance with the Census Act, Chapter 155 of the Laws of Belize, revised edition 2000.  Through a Census Order issued in February 2010, the Hon. Erwin Contreras, Minister responsible for Statistics, declared May 12, 2010 Census Day. Follow this link to read more about Statistical Institute of Belize – Census – Census Report.

 Information collected on:

                     The Household Questionnaire







Women in Leadership Positions

 The Person Questionnaire

General Characteristics (age, sex, religion, ethnicity, language, orphanhood)


Disability and Health


Access to the Internet


Economic Activity

Marital and Union Status
